The Green River Area Development District (GRADD) Workforce Development Department provides employers with qualified employees to improve the economic stability of the region.
GRADD’s responsibilities center around: (1) coordinating the operations and services of the Kentucky Career Center System, and (2) providing job search and training assistance to adults, dislocated workers and youth.
The entire Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) covers numerous employment and training services, many of which other area agencies provide. GRADD coordinates with the other agencies so if you have any questions about our services, contact GRADD and we can direct you to the agency that can assist you. The other services available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act include: Adult Education and Literacy Services, Employment Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Job Corps, Native American Programs, and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs.
Kentucky Career Center
The Kentucky Career Center is your link to employment, workforce information, education and training. Our goal is to match qualified workers with employer’s needs. Whether you are a job seeker or employer, the Kentucky Career Center has services for you.
Scholarship Opportunities
Have you been dislocated from your job? Are you not sure that you can afford to attend school? Do you need to gain the knowledge and skills to obtain a certain job? Does an employer require a specific credential in order to consider you for the position? If you answered yes, GRADD’s scholarships may be available. GRADD’s scholarship program helps those who qualify to pay for college/training tuition, books, fees etc. required to complete an approved training program that leads to an Occupational Skills Credential or an Associate’s degree.
Employment Opportunities
Openings at Green River Development District and local governments in the Green River District.